Friday, May 10, 2013

Quick Update

Hello again! I feel really bad that I haven't had time to post lately. Things are finally beginning to slow down, so hopefully I will be posting every day now. That is my goal. Last week and weekend was really crazy. We were busy getting things packed up to take my daughter and granddaughter back to Illinois. We got up early Friday morning to head North and made it to my parent's house about 7 p.m. Got to go visit some of our best friends that evening and then Saturday was spent with my family. We had such a great day! It has been a long time since I got to have all of my kids in one place for a whole day. On top of that, I got to spend the whole day with my one year old granddaughter that I have only seen twice before. It was awesome!!!  We spent the whole day Sunday driving back to Louisiana.  It was nice to be home, but I really missed Jordan and Gracie already. I ended up crying myself to sleep.  Monday morning, I was completely drained and went to work half a day. My emotions are a lot better now, thank goodness.

In other news, I have been having issues with my outer two fingers on my left hand going numb all the time, double vision, headaches and dizziness.  Just got back from the doctor and he thinks I have a pinched ulnar nerve and I have a mild ear infection. He gave me a steroid shot and a script for some high-powered anti-inflammatory for the arm and told me not to do any arm machines at curves for two months. He wants me to see an opthamologist next week for my eyes though.

Oh, and I have lost another two pounds!!! Well folks, I must go for now, but will provide an update today or tomorrow. :)

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