Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My Motivation

Here are a few of the reasons I decided to adopt a healthier lifestyle:

  • I am doing this for myself more than anything. I am tired of not loving myself when I look in the mirror. I am tired of not fitting into cute clothes. I am tired of always feeling the need to hide in the clothes that I do have. I am tired of always being tired. I am tired of feeling guilty for letting myself get into this shape. I am ready to love everything about myself again.
  • I am doing this for my husband. Let me start off by saying just how amazing Harley is to me. I know that he loves me for who I am. He tells me all the time. I also know he would be so happy to have a happy, healthy wife who wasn't constantly judging and putting herself down.  
  • I am doing this to be a good example for my kids and grand daughters. I see how happy it makes Miss Gracie when I tell her that she is finally going to get to see me as her skinny grandma. Not overnight, but before long.
  • I am doing this for my Mom and Memom. I know that they worry about my health, especially since I have high blood pressure. I want to make them proud of me.


  1. Hey Carrie! I just wanted to say "YOU GO GIRL!" Way to take control of your life and do something good for your self! You are a beautiful person inside and out. Never forget that! Good luck reaching your goals. Maybe reading your blog will help keep me inspired too. Belren and I belong to a gym, and I do Zumba there a few times a week, but I really need to step it up to start getting some results. I am glad you are doing so well and hope you continue to do so! Lots of Love --Amber Dennis McGlothlin :)

  2. Thanks, Amber.:) Makes me happy to know that maybe I will inspire someone.
