Monday, January 28, 2013

My Story

I hope everyone can bear with me some, as this is my first time to ever attempt to blog about anything. I have read LOTS of them, but was never sure if it was for me. However, I think this will really help me along my journey to lose weight and hopefully help others as well.  


I grew up thin and never had to worry about my clothes fitting, or how much I ate, or any of that stuff. I was always outgoing and energetic. The day I came home from the hospital with my third child, I weighed 98 pounds. My trouble came when my mom....meaning well....suggested I get Norplant for birth control. I wish I could go back to that day and pick something else....anything else. It made my life hell. I started having a huge acne problem, my hair was dry and brittle, I had a constant heavy period the whole time, and to top it off, I started putting on weight.

At first, I was super excited about the weight gain. I mean, I needed it. I was only 98 pounds. Yippee! I got up to about 130 and people told me that I looked ok and that I needed this weight. I was ok with it at that point in time, but it just kept creeping up. In 1998, I knew I was ready to do something about my weight and I was determined. A Curves had opened up in my town and a friend asked me to try it out with her, so I went. I felt tired, but like I had the power at the end of that workout. I signed up and went faithfully for around a year. I went from a size 12 to a size 6 AND I HAD MUSCLES!!! I loved the new me. I actually felt like I fit back in with my family. You see, none of them have had weight issues and none of them understand what it is like. It was hard still feeling like a skinny person on the inside, but being fat on the outside. I had control of my life and body again....and then it happened....I got EXTREMELY sick with bronchitis and they thought I had an infection of the lining of my heart. I had been sick for three months and had absolutely no stamina, so I gave up my workouts. The Curves I had been going to closed down and I just didn't pick back up somewhere else, so the pounds slowly began to creep back on.

I tried different things from then till now to get the weight off, but nothing ever REALLY worked. I never had an issue with overeating or loving junk food and sweets. I just didn't know what to do. I joined a fitness center in January 2012, but just didn't have the structure I needed. I did manage to lose about 20 pounds before my wedding in May and then I just gave up. I hated myself for it. My husband doesn't have an ounce of fat on his body and I always beat myself up because he deserves a wife that is in shape. At least this is what goes on in my head. 

Anyways, we recently moved to Louisiana and I started working. On the way to and from work, I discovered that there is a Curves fitness center. It took me a few weeks, but I called and made an appointment. I went in on January 16 and joined. They took my measurements and weighed me, and it was just as I figured....I weighed 200.5 pounds. I had my first workout on Friday, the 18th. It was amazing the way I felt after that workout. It was just like before. I felt that old determination resurface and I left there knowing that I am on my way to a skinnier me and a healthier me as well. 

I have gone every day they are open since and had my first appointment with the Curves Coach on Tuesday, the 22nd. She weighed me and I had already lost 5 pounds! I am so excited for each and every workout and can't wait to get there today. Did I mention that I signed up for Curves Complete? It is exercise, but also meal plans to get your metabolism fired up and teach you how to eat right. It is amazing the amount of food I have to eat in a day and I am still losing! I am also taking supplements and I have so much energy. 

Well, I hope this isn't too boring. Like I said, I am new to this blogging stuff, but if it helps me or someone else, it is worth it. Tomorrow, I will post some pictures of my "before" look. Can't wait to start posting "after" ones.  


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