Monday, April 22, 2013

Sorry for Abondoning my Blog

I want to take a quick moment to apologize, yet again, for not posting since last Wednesday.  These last couple of weeks and the next couple have and will be super busy.  We have had my granddaughter and daughter with us since Christmas and they are getting ready to go back to Illinois, for at least the summer. Been trying to get things done around the house and will be getting ready for the long trip. I am really going to miss them.

I am super proud of myself this last week because I feel like I am finally back on track with things. I feel like superwoman. I worked out EVERY DAY last week, with the exception of Friday and Sunday. That is normal though. I can't make it to Curves on Friday because they are closed when I get off work and they are closed on Sunday. I have also done my kettlebells most mornings and ate right over the weekend. Weekends are always hard for me to get all of my calories for the day because we are always running. That wasn't the case this weekend. We stayed home a lot and I did tons of deep cleaning on the house. In addition, we haven't been going out for drinks like we usually do. With that being said, I am really excited for weigh-in tomorrow. I should do pretty good. I have been stuck at the same weight for three weeks. If the scale hasn't budged when I go tomorrow, I am going to ask her if I am at a plateau and what I can do to break past it.

Well, friends, I better get off here for a while and get productive. Talk to y'all soon.


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