Monday, April 1, 2013

Busy Morning

Today has started out REALLY busy. I guess I need to mention what happened on Monday of last week. Monday was my birthday, but not a very good one. Started out at the hospital because I couldn't breathe. Found out I have bronchitis, which is what I suspected. I used to get the stuff every year. I managed not to last year, but I think it is because we were in Dumas, Texas where it was so dry. Louisiana is the exact opposite, so I will probably start getting this crud every year again.

Well, I stayed home that day, but Miss Gracie wanted to go to school. Since my parents were heading out, they decided to drop her off. That afternoon when I went to get her, we were pulling out from under the awning at the daycare, when I went into a terrible coughing fit. One thing led to another and I ended up hitting one of the steel beams in my brand new car. I cried for two hours over that one.

So that brings me to the start of my busy day today. Had to take my poor little banged up SUV to the body shop for repairs. THAT PART went smoothly. The rental car place next door was extremely busy, but I finally ended up with a Chevy Cruze to drive for the week. It feels really strange to be sitting down low now. Not sure I like it, but I will live and my car will be BEA-utiful again!

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