Thursday, March 28, 2013

Pardon my absence

Hi, everyone. I am so sorry that I have been MIA as of late. Between being sick and working, I have just not felt like being on the computer much. I finally went to the doctor on Monday and found out that it is indeed bronchitis. I will still never understand why I have the worst lungs out of all the smokers I know.....AND I DON'T SMOKE. 

I didn't go work out on Monday, but I went in for weigh-in on Tuesday. I lost 2 1/2 pounds this week, which was a very good thing. I didn't work out that day though because I felt so exhausted. I did go yesterday and plan to go back today after work. 

I am pretty excited to tell y'all about something new I am trying. Have you ever heard of a kettlebell?  My husband brought a couple home for me and I thought, "What the heck do I do with this thing?" So I got on the internet and found some awesome workout routines using them on YouTube. Apparently they give you a total body workout when you use them the correct way. 

Since I have been sick, I haven't attempted the whole routine, but took one part of it and tried it.  Well, I am super sore on my inner thighs and hamstrings. These things are great!

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