Thursday, March 28, 2013

Pardon my absence

Hi, everyone. I am so sorry that I have been MIA as of late. Between being sick and working, I have just not felt like being on the computer much. I finally went to the doctor on Monday and found out that it is indeed bronchitis. I will still never understand why I have the worst lungs out of all the smokers I know.....AND I DON'T SMOKE. 

I didn't go work out on Monday, but I went in for weigh-in on Tuesday. I lost 2 1/2 pounds this week, which was a very good thing. I didn't work out that day though because I felt so exhausted. I did go yesterday and plan to go back today after work. 

I am pretty excited to tell y'all about something new I am trying. Have you ever heard of a kettlebell?  My husband brought a couple home for me and I thought, "What the heck do I do with this thing?" So I got on the internet and found some awesome workout routines using them on YouTube. Apparently they give you a total body workout when you use them the correct way. 

Since I have been sick, I haven't attempted the whole routine, but took one part of it and tried it.  Well, I am super sore on my inner thighs and hamstrings. These things are great!

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Just wanted to make a quick post to let y'all know I am still around. Been feeling really crummy, so I just haven't felt like being on. Took hubby to meet his ride to work this morning and now I can't quit coughing my head off. I did make myself go work out yesterday. Made me feel better mentally for sure. If I hadn't of gone, I would have been hard on myself for not going.

I took a picture a couple of days ago....I apologize for it being so dark. I am actually finally starting to see the weight loss in my face.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

It's Official!!!

I am bursting with excitement and anticipation!  I actually did it! This morning, I officially registered and paid the fee to participate in the Dirty Girl Mud Run. And the neat thing is that even just a month ago, I would have never even considered it. I am feeling lighter and stronger every day and I know that in seven months, I WILL BE READY. 

Now comes the fun stuff.....

  • Learning HOW to run and build stamina, which I will start this weekend.
  • Building a TEAM. If you are interested in joining along, I can send you the contact info. I already have a team name set up too, with the help of my friend Dallas. We will be the Dixie Mud Slingers. :)
  • Choosing team outfits. That will be a blast. Thinking about camo and pink!
So far that is all I have compiled, but it's a start. I would also like to take this time to brag on my dear husband. When I got the idea that I wanted to do this, I figured when I told him he would say "What are you thinking? There's no way you are ready for this." But he is super-psyched for me and I love it. Everywhere we go he tells people that his wife is going to do the Dirty Girl Mud Run. Who knows, maybe the next mud run will be one that we can do together. Now that would be fun!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Well, weigh-in yesterday wasn't anywhere near as good as last week. I actually gained a half of a pound. I kind of expected it though. We spent a little too much time out this weekend and on Sunday evening, hubby took me out to eat at the Galvez Seafood Company. Would have probably been okay if I would have stayed away from the boudin balls, but they were so delicious! 

Oh well, this is a new week and I know I have been doing my best. However, since I am officially signing up for the Dirty Girl Mud Run tomorrow, I am really going to have to be more disciplined.  I am super psyched to do this thing in October and I want to do my best.

With that being said, I am getting back on track and plan to lose a couple of pounds this week. Seems that if you gain a little weight, even more comes off that next week. Hope my theory is right.  :)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

I am Going to be a Dirty Girl!

Yes, I have decided I am going to be a very dirty girl. Ok...get your mind out of the gutter. :)  I have decided to sign up for the Dirty Girl Mud Run that will take place in New Orleans on October 19th this year. It's an all female 5k obstacle course in support of Breast Cancer Research. No, I am not a runner and I have never been an athlete. That's the beauty of this mud don't have to be either. 

I am working now to put together a team, so if you want to join me, let me know. This is going to be SOOOOO MUCH FUN!!!

For more information, click here. 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Thursday, March 14, 2013

My New Fave Protein Shake

So, I got my new protein shake mix in the mail the other day and it is AWESOME...the best I have found so far. It is made by Melaleuca and is called ProFlex20. It has 20 AMAZING grams of protein! The first time I made it, I didn't like it because I didn't follow directions. It said to mix two scoops with 8 ounces of water and I used almond milk instead. It was SO THICK that I just couldn't stand the texture. So last night, I followed directions and it is delicious! I even let my coworker try some. She has been using Aria and doesn't care for it at all. Well, she loved my melaleuca one. I sure am glad I gave it a second chance!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Weigh-in Results

I am happy to report that I got excellent results today for weigh-in. I also did good on my measurements. This week I lost 3.5 pounds!!!  Here are my measurement and weight totals since I started last month.

Bust...................3.50 in.
Waist.................1.25 in.
Abdomen.............4.00 in.
Hips...................1.00 in.
Thighs (both)........1.50 in.
Arms (both)..........1.00 in.

I have lost 2.10 percent of my body fat.

TOTAL WEIGHT LOST.....12.50 lbs.

Heading to Weigh-In

Just a quick post....

Going to weigh-in. Looks like I lost a couple of pounds when I weighed myself yesterday, so I sure hope I read the scales right.

Will report back when I am done.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Apologizing Again

Yes, I have to apologize AGAIN. I am apologizing because I haven't been posting as regular lately. Things were super busy this weekend. On Saturday, I woke up to a stupid pulled muscle in my back and it hurt so bad. Disappointed that I didn't get to work out because I was afraid I would hurt it even more. It still hurts today, but not as much, so I will be working out.  On top of that, we had company coming in from out of town. 

Yesterday, I felt exhausted ALL DAY. Just didn't even feel like getting on the computer. That's odd for me for sure.

Well, guess I will tell you what I am eating today. 

3 in. Subway BMT Melt with spinach, tomato, onion and bell peppers
Apple slices
Low-fat milk

Was busy, so I wasn't able to eat it

Healthy Choice dinner

4 stalks of celery with peanut butter

Not sure yet.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday's Food

Here are the foods I am eating today....

Subway 3-in. Breakfast BMT Melt on Flatbread with Egg Whites and loaded down with spinach, tomatoes, bell peppers and onions.  Eating it right now and it is DELICIOUS!

4 stalks of celery with natural peanut butter (I always thought I would hate this, but I LOVE IT!)

McDonalds hamburger, side salad with balsamic vinaigrette, and a 1% white milk

Greek yogurt (black cherry) and 12 almonds

To be determined, but it will be something healthy.

This is why I love the Curves Complete meal plan! So many choices and flexibility for when I need to eat on the go. Oh and the McDonalds meal TOTALLY makes me feel like I am cheating!!!

Disclaimer :  I'm not  a Curves spoke person nor am I getting any compensation. from them. Just disclosing the program I am using to help me reach my ultimate goal.  

Thursday, March 7, 2013

What I'm Eating Today

I know....this is a boring subject, but one I want to start posting every day. I think it will help me keep track of what I have eaten so I will know what I need to change if I have a gain.

I know I haven't actually eaten all this stuff yet, but I will not be eating anything else.

4 slices of turkey bacon
1 slice of whole wheat toast
1 glass of 2% milk

3/4 cup of low-fat cottage cheese
1 cup of canteloupe

Healthy Choice meal - Rosemary Chicken and Sweet Potatoes
Salad with lettuce, tomato, cucumber, bell pepper, carrots and Balsamic Vinaigrette (which has almost no calories)

Oiko's Greek yogurt (Blueberry)
12 Almonds

Skinny, but delicious sloppy joe on whole wheat bun (my hubby LOVES these)
Baked sweet potatoes with sea salt 

I love that I am eating so well and losing weight!



Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Weekly Weigh-In Report

I went for my weekly weigh-in yesterday and as I expected, I gained back the two pounds I lost the week before. I just KNEW I was going to. While that makes me sad, I am not going to beat myself up over it. I know I did the best I could. I was sick, so I didn't eat like I was supposed to so my metabolism would stay going. When I did eat, it was things that weren't real good for me because I didn't feel like cooking and ate what the hubby brought home. Poor guy isn't used to me needing to eat healthy. He just wanted to feed me. 

I am also not going to beat myself up because I learned a lesson and I am working hard to stay back on track this week. I know I am going to shed those pounds this week, hopefully more. 

As I type this, everyone around me is eating jambalaya, cake, and bread pudding. I am sitting here eating my Greek yogurt and almonds and I don't miss the other stuff. I have already worked out everyday this week and will keep going.....even if I still don't feel well. I WILL GO! I've got this!!!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Missing in Action

I want to apologize for going MIA for a few days. I was sick all weekend and just did not feel like doing anything, including posting. I still feel pretty bad today, but I am going to head to Curves for my workout. I didn't get to this weekend.

I sure hope my weigh-in is good tomorrow since I didn't follow my menu plan this weekend. I didn't overeat or anything, but I didn't eat enough. 

Hopefully working out today will make me feel better.