Monday, March 11, 2013

Apologizing Again

Yes, I have to apologize AGAIN. I am apologizing because I haven't been posting as regular lately. Things were super busy this weekend. On Saturday, I woke up to a stupid pulled muscle in my back and it hurt so bad. Disappointed that I didn't get to work out because I was afraid I would hurt it even more. It still hurts today, but not as much, so I will be working out.  On top of that, we had company coming in from out of town. 

Yesterday, I felt exhausted ALL DAY. Just didn't even feel like getting on the computer. That's odd for me for sure.

Well, guess I will tell you what I am eating today. 

3 in. Subway BMT Melt with spinach, tomato, onion and bell peppers
Apple slices
Low-fat milk

Was busy, so I wasn't able to eat it

Healthy Choice dinner

4 stalks of celery with peanut butter

Not sure yet.

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