Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday's Food

Here are the foods I am eating today....

Subway 3-in. Breakfast BMT Melt on Flatbread with Egg Whites and loaded down with spinach, tomatoes, bell peppers and onions.  Eating it right now and it is DELICIOUS!

4 stalks of celery with natural peanut butter (I always thought I would hate this, but I LOVE IT!)

McDonalds hamburger, side salad with balsamic vinaigrette, and a 1% white milk

Greek yogurt (black cherry) and 12 almonds

To be determined, but it will be something healthy.

This is why I love the Curves Complete meal plan! So many choices and flexibility for when I need to eat on the go. Oh and the McDonalds meal TOTALLY makes me feel like I am cheating!!!

Disclaimer :  I'm not  a Curves spoke person nor am I getting any compensation. from them. Just disclosing the program I am using to help me reach my ultimate goal.  

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