Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Well, weigh-in yesterday wasn't anywhere near as good as last week. I actually gained a half of a pound. I kind of expected it though. We spent a little too much time out this weekend and on Sunday evening, hubby took me out to eat at the Galvez Seafood Company. Would have probably been okay if I would have stayed away from the boudin balls, but they were so delicious! 

Oh well, this is a new week and I know I have been doing my best. However, since I am officially signing up for the Dirty Girl Mud Run tomorrow, I am really going to have to be more disciplined.  I am super psyched to do this thing in October and I want to do my best.

With that being said, I am getting back on track and plan to lose a couple of pounds this week. Seems that if you gain a little weight, even more comes off that next week. Hope my theory is right.  :)

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