Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Weekly Weigh-In Report

I went for my weekly weigh-in yesterday and as I expected, I gained back the two pounds I lost the week before. I just KNEW I was going to. While that makes me sad, I am not going to beat myself up over it. I know I did the best I could. I was sick, so I didn't eat like I was supposed to so my metabolism would stay going. When I did eat, it was things that weren't real good for me because I didn't feel like cooking and ate what the hubby brought home. Poor guy isn't used to me needing to eat healthy. He just wanted to feed me. 

I am also not going to beat myself up because I learned a lesson and I am working hard to stay back on track this week. I know I am going to shed those pounds this week, hopefully more. 

As I type this, everyone around me is eating jambalaya, cake, and bread pudding. I am sitting here eating my Greek yogurt and almonds and I don't miss the other stuff. I have already worked out everyday this week and will keep going.....even if I still don't feel well. I WILL GO! I've got this!!!

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