Thursday, March 21, 2013

It's Official!!!

I am bursting with excitement and anticipation!  I actually did it! This morning, I officially registered and paid the fee to participate in the Dirty Girl Mud Run. And the neat thing is that even just a month ago, I would have never even considered it. I am feeling lighter and stronger every day and I know that in seven months, I WILL BE READY. 

Now comes the fun stuff.....

  • Learning HOW to run and build stamina, which I will start this weekend.
  • Building a TEAM. If you are interested in joining along, I can send you the contact info. I already have a team name set up too, with the help of my friend Dallas. We will be the Dixie Mud Slingers. :)
  • Choosing team outfits. That will be a blast. Thinking about camo and pink!
So far that is all I have compiled, but it's a start. I would also like to take this time to brag on my dear husband. When I got the idea that I wanted to do this, I figured when I told him he would say "What are you thinking? There's no way you are ready for this." But he is super-psyched for me and I love it. Everywhere we go he tells people that his wife is going to do the Dirty Girl Mud Run. Who knows, maybe the next mud run will be one that we can do together. Now that would be fun!

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