Thursday, February 28, 2013

Something Old is New Again

This morning I decided to try on a pair of jeans that I haven't been able to get into in over a year. I thought there was really no way I was going to fit into them, but decided to give it a shot. I am so happy that I did because they fit and aren't even tight. I feel like I got a brand new pair of jeans!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Still Alive

I am happy to say I am still alive this morning, but not so happy to report that I still don't feel good. I got up and came to work, but brought some Alka-Seltzer Plus for severe cold, cough and flu. Going to try to hold off taking it, but I may have to. I did bring my work out clothes, so as long as I don't feel too incredibly awful, I will be working out after work. 

What are your thoughts on working out when you are sick? Good or bad?

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Down, Down, Down

My hubby has been said it was the flu he needed a day off.  Well, I thought the same thing until today. About half way through the day today, I really started feeling like shit poop. I had to meet with my coach for weigh-in today, so decided I would at least go for that and maybe not work out. 

Well, I got there and changed into my workout clothes....mainly for the weigh-in. When she weighed me, I had lost TWO POUNDS! After that, I just couldn't stomach the idea of not working out....just in case I am actually sick and can't work out tomorrow. I felt least mentally.  

I imagine that tomorrow, whether I feel like shit poop or not, I will be working out. It is called DEDICATION. I am definitely dedicated and proud of myself. Especially when my hubby tells me how much smaller my butt is. :)

Well, will make a post tomorrow. Till then....Carrie

Looking Forward to Weigh-In

There was a time when I hated stepping on the scales, but these days, I actually look forward to it.  After work today, I meet with my Curves coach and get to weigh in.  Hoping I lost a couple of pounds....which I think I did. Will post an update afterwards!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Nightly Update

After having my workout today, hubby picked me up since he was off today. He was craving something really unhealthy so everyone decided on Sonic. I was a good girl though and ordered a Jr. Hamburger, apple slices and a 1% milk. It was delicious! His foot long chili dog and chili cheese fries looked good too, but I didn't feel tempted at all. That is good since I have to meet with my coach and weigh in tomorrow evening. 

That brings up something else. I always weigh myself before I work out. If I read the scale right, it means I have lost two pounds this week. I sure hope I was right!

I'm back...again

Please excuse my absence. I had a SUPER BUSY weekend and just did not have time to post. I will get back to it today. 

Saturday was spent working out, going to pick up my ring at JC Penney, and then grocery shopping. I wasn't feeling very well that day, but I made it and was proud of myself for still working out. I made German Rouladen and fried cabbage for supper....which really isn't on my meal plan, but I wanted to do something nice for my hubby. I made sure not to overeat though.

Sunday was spent cleaning house, doing laundry and getting a little relaxation in.  Watched a really good movie called "October Baby". Made me cry, but it was really good. For supper, hubby grilled steaks...rib eye for himself and sirloin for us.  It was delicious!  It stormed all night too, so I didn't sleep well, so I hope I have the energy to make it through the day.

Going to work out after work today and then making a HEALTHY chicken enchilada casserole and Mexican rice for supper. It is going to be DELICIOUS!  If you ever want a recipe, just ask. Eventually, I hope to start adding all of my healthy recipes on here.

Well, I better get to work, but will be back later. Y'all have a great day! 

Friday, February 22, 2013

A New Milestone

I am so excited to report that I set a new milestone today. I have noticed my clothes fitting different, but this morning, I had to find a belt. I have had one for a long time but never used it because my fat did all the work keeping my pants up. Well, not anymore. My pants are getting baggy. Not only did I have to wear a belt, but the last time I wore it, I had to use it in the first hole. Today I had to use it in the second hole, but could almost make it to the third. All of this hard work and attention to what and when I eat is really paying off. That makes me ECSTATIC!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

It's Not Friday!

Well, all day long I have been thinking it is Friday. As a result, I didn't bring my workout clothes. Guess I will have to stop at Wal-mart and get some. I AM NOT missing a workout due to lack of clothing. I never can make it to Curves on Friday because of their hours and my work schedule.

Other than that, today has been pretty good.....well, except for the part where my granddaughter was clinging to me and crying when I dropped her off at the learning center this morning. She IS NOT enjoying naptime there. She loves everything else. This morning the teacher mentioned to me about Gracie having a crying fit about it yesterday and she immediately started crying and begging me to take her home. I hope she did good today.


Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Just making a short post tonight because I am tired. After a super busy day at work, I went to work out and found the machines had raised intensity by 14, which wore me out. That's a good thing though.

Came home and my daughter had made some delicious, HEALTHY southwestern chicken tacos. I love her. :)

Back to the grind tomorrow. Y'all have a great night.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Weekly Weigh-In

I am SUPER HAPPY to report that I lost another 1 1/2 pounds since last Thursday! My coach told me not to be disappointed if I didn't lose much since it hasn't been a week, so I wasn't expecting much. I was definitely pleasantly surprised!  I even ate a piece of steak this weekend, and have been eating potatoes a few nights a week. I also had a couple of small pieces of pizza. I figured I wouldn't lose anything. 

Here is a picture of me today. It isn't very good, but I have lost a total of 10 pounds and the clothes were tight on me a month ago.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

I'm Back....

Sorry I haven't posted this weekend. Been super busy. Yesterday was SUPER busy. Woke up and went to work out. It wore me out because the machines automatically increased intensity, but that is a good thing. After leaving there, I went to get my nails done. After that, I had to go grocery shopping. Then last night, we went out for the night. 

Today, I have been busy cleaning house and doing laundry. Sorry this post is so boring, but now that I am sitting, I feel pretty tired. Be back tomorrow!

Friday, February 15, 2013

It's Friday!

I love Fridays! Not just because that means it is the last day of my work week, but because each Friday I treat myself to a meal that feels sinful, but isn't. I went to McDonald's....yes, McDonald's and got a hamburger, a side salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette, and a 1% milk. I savored every morsel and it is allowed on my Curves plan. I used to order a Quarter Pounder, large fry, and a coke. I thought I might miss the cheese or the larger sandwich, but I really don't miss it at all. The meal I ate today actually seems more filling because I am satisfied longer. Strange how eating healthy works, but it sure does.

Up Already

I am awake up already. I really would rather be in bed, but I have something extra, but very exciting to accomplish this morning. An addition to my everyday routine. I get to take my granddaughter, Gracie, to her first day at her new learning center. I am super excited, but not as excited as she is. They have webcams so parents grandparents can spy all day. You can bet I will be. So will her mother. Well, anyway here is a picture of Little Miss. Will have to take one when she is all dressed later.

This was taken at the Spanish Town Mardi Gras parade last weekend in Baton Rouge. I love it!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Today's Weigh-In

I feel so incredible after today's weigh-in and work out. I will start with the weigh-in.

I lost another pound. In addition, I lost 6.5 inches total and 6.57 pounds of body fat. I am kicking ass! My husband keeps telling me how great I look and how skinny I look. I LOVE HIM!!! But everyone knew that already. 

Now for the work out.... :)  

When I got to Curves today and grabbed my bag with my gym clothes, I realized it felt light. I looked inside and realized I forgot my tennis shoes. I thought for sure I wouldn't get to work out. They said I wasn't the first person and to just work out in my socks. Well, I took off my boots and realized I had two different socks on. Everyone got a good laugh, but I still got my workout in. What a trooper I am. 

Setting Some Goals

I decided it is finally time to put my goals in writing. Here is what I would like to happen.

Mini goal---------------------185
Short term goal-------------170
Goal I can live with--------150
Goal that would make me happy------140
My dream weight-----------130

Can't wait to make it happen!!! 

Today is the Day!

Today is the day I get weighed AND measured. I am pretty excited, but want to remind myself of all the other things I have done this month. In the past 30 days I have:
  • I have taken over 150,000 step (big deal since I used to spend a whole day on couch)
  • I have worked out every day, except for Fridays (hours don't work for my schedule) and Sundays (Curves is closed)
  • I have lost 7.5 pounds (this doesn't include any that I have lost since weigh-in last Tuesday)
  • I have eaten healthy every day with the exception of Saturday for the Mardi Gras parade and our friend's birthday party. But I didn't overdo it.
  • I have drained my 32 ounce water bottle at least 3 times a day
  • I have cut out all sodas and caffeine (with the exception of maybe one Diet Dr. Pepper a week)
  • I have made every effort to get extra steps in by parking farther away from entrances, getting up to talk to coworkers instead of using the phone, walking to Subway when I choose to eat there, etc. 
  • I have quit looking in the mirror and not liking what I see there. What I see now is a woman that is doing everything she can to get in shape and be healthy.
  •  No matter what happens today, I will be pretty darn happy with myself. I am well on my way to taking control of my body. I don't think I have ever felt so proud of myself.

Face Pic

Not the greatest picture, but I am starting to see my weight loss in my face. :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

One Month

Well, tomorrow marks a month since I started my journey into weight loss and a healthier life. It also marks the day that I get weighed AND measured. I never thought I would be excited, but I really, truly am. Other people have been telling me they notice a difference, but I couldn't see it. The last few days though, I have noticed my clothes fitting different. Go ahead and laugh, but my butt actually fits in the middle of the car seat now instead of on top of the edges. That makes me happy!!! I am definitely on my way. Wooooohoooooo!!!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Cooking Light is Good Cooking

I made the most awesome dinner tonight and everyone LOVED it. We had steak with mushrooms and onions, roasted asparagus, and stuffed baby reds. I know....sounds sinful. It truly wasn't though. I am getting good at this!


After a very busy weekend, I feel exhausted today. It didn't help that I woke up to an asthma attack about 1 a.m. I think it was due to the humidity. I still don't feel very well this morning, but I ate a good breakfast, packed my healthy lunch and snacks for the day, and made sure to pack my workout clothes and shoes for after work. Maybe a good work out will help.

Sunday, February 10, 2013


I had trouble staying on track yesterday because of going to the Spanish Town parade, being on the run all day, and going to hang out with friends last night. I don't think I went over my calorie limit for the day because I limited myself, but I didn't like the feeling of not being on schedule or the fact that I was eating not so healthy food. I was proud of myself for not drinking though, since everyone else was. I knew that would put me over the limit for the day, for sure. 

On the other hand, I got all of my steps and plus some. I also got to make memories with my husband, daughter and grand daughter that will last a lifetime and got to spend time with great friends. I just need to realize that there will be some days where I can't control  everything and make healthy choices. 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

No Time to Slow Down

Busy day ahead again. Harley is off this weekend though. I love that. Going to work out this morning, then I think we are heading over for the Mardi Gras Spanishtown parade. After that I am getting my nails done, going grocery shopping and then we are going to hang out with some of our friends tonight. No time for rest, but I bet I will get all of my steps in, plus some.

Friday, February 8, 2013

My New Love

Oh my goodness! I have fallen in love with apple slices with peanut butter on them. BEST SNACK EVER!!! I have put off choosing this snack because I have to eat a half of a banana (which I don't really care for) and 12 almonds with one apple sliced up with 2 TBSP of peanut butter on it. 

Well, I finally decided to buy some bananas and put on my big girl panties because I know bananas are really good for you. 

I ate the banana first to get it out of the way. Then I moved on to the apple slices with peanut butter and they are AMAZING! I am definitely going to choke down a banana to have this snack more often. The apples came with a little tub of caramel, but who needs that?! 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Skinny Tastes

I have been struggling with finding tasty recipes to feed my whole family so I don't have two make two separate meals. I have finally hit the mother lode on tasty, HEALTHY recipes. So far, the ones I have made, they all love. 

You can look for yourself HERE

I highly recommend it. Even if you aren't trying to lose weight, it is a great idea to eat healthy. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Weigh-in Report

Went for my weigh-in after work today and I have lost another pound! I am super excited. I need to get batteries in my camera so I can get a picture posted of myself. People are starting to tell me they can tell I have lost weight. I love it!!!

OOPS...Dinner (continued)

I made another great, healthy meal tonight and it was AMAZING! Everyone in my house loved it even though it is healthy. It was Korean Stir Fry with cellophane noodles and green the ones you get at Chinese restaurants. I am pretty proud of myself. If you want the recipes, let me know. I will be glad to share.

Awesome dinner tonight!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Love this!


I just returned from setting up and completing my Curves Smart workout. It is going to be awesome. It will increase the strength of the machines after three successful workouts, so that I am having to work harder. I like that! I really think it will help so much.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Been super busy!

Sorry I have been MIA for a couple of days. Just been super busy and haven't had much time to be on the computer. Even though it is super bowl Sunday, I am maintaining my healthy diet and not missing any of the bad stuff. I made healthy Shrimp Scampi....yes, I said it...healthy. Also made mashed cauliflower. Both were delicious. Will post the recipes tomorrow. Well folks, hate to cut it short, but the game is back on. Will post more tomorrow. :)

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Well, I should have NO PROBLEM getting all my steps in and then some today. Going for a haircut in a few minutes and then to work out. After that, going to post office, Mardis Gras, the mall, and grocery shopping. PHEW!!! Glad I can relax tomorrow. I think I am going to need it.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Love this kid!

Yesterday's Workout

I know this is a day late, but I thought I would still post. Yesterday's workout was a sort of breakthrough for me. Up until today, I haven't been real sore when I should have been and it got me doing some research. I found a hint on a blog somewhere that said when you are working out, it your stomach isn't cold, then you aren't working hard enough.

Well, I decided to test the theory out yesterday. I did half of my workout the normal way. Working what I thought was hard on the machines and walking in place on the cardio stations. My belly never got cold. So I decided to go even harder on the machines and jogged in place on the cardio stations. Guess what?! My stomach got cold and I actually broke a good sweat. What I read was right! 

This morning I woke up pretty sore. Yaaaaaayyyyyy!!!

Who knew?!

I discovered this week that Curves has On-the-Go meal options for when you want to eat out. They give you all the healthy meals and you just choose what you want. Today I decided to see what McDonald's had. I had a hamburger, a side salad with low-fat Balsamic Vinaigrette, and a container of 1% milk. It was my favorite lunch yet! Who knew that I would not miss cheese on my burger or the french fries. It was delicious AND filling!