Thursday, February 14, 2013

Today is the Day!

Today is the day I get weighed AND measured. I am pretty excited, but want to remind myself of all the other things I have done this month. In the past 30 days I have:
  • I have taken over 150,000 step (big deal since I used to spend a whole day on couch)
  • I have worked out every day, except for Fridays (hours don't work for my schedule) and Sundays (Curves is closed)
  • I have lost 7.5 pounds (this doesn't include any that I have lost since weigh-in last Tuesday)
  • I have eaten healthy every day with the exception of Saturday for the Mardi Gras parade and our friend's birthday party. But I didn't overdo it.
  • I have drained my 32 ounce water bottle at least 3 times a day
  • I have cut out all sodas and caffeine (with the exception of maybe one Diet Dr. Pepper a week)
  • I have made every effort to get extra steps in by parking farther away from entrances, getting up to talk to coworkers instead of using the phone, walking to Subway when I choose to eat there, etc. 
  • I have quit looking in the mirror and not liking what I see there. What I see now is a woman that is doing everything she can to get in shape and be healthy.
  •  No matter what happens today, I will be pretty darn happy with myself. I am well on my way to taking control of my body. I don't think I have ever felt so proud of myself.

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