Friday, February 1, 2013

Yesterday's Workout

I know this is a day late, but I thought I would still post. Yesterday's workout was a sort of breakthrough for me. Up until today, I haven't been real sore when I should have been and it got me doing some research. I found a hint on a blog somewhere that said when you are working out, it your stomach isn't cold, then you aren't working hard enough.

Well, I decided to test the theory out yesterday. I did half of my workout the normal way. Working what I thought was hard on the machines and walking in place on the cardio stations. My belly never got cold. So I decided to go even harder on the machines and jogged in place on the cardio stations. Guess what?! My stomach got cold and I actually broke a good sweat. What I read was right! 

This morning I woke up pretty sore. Yaaaaaayyyyyy!!!

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