Thursday, February 14, 2013

Today's Weigh-In

I feel so incredible after today's weigh-in and work out. I will start with the weigh-in.

I lost another pound. In addition, I lost 6.5 inches total and 6.57 pounds of body fat. I am kicking ass! My husband keeps telling me how great I look and how skinny I look. I LOVE HIM!!! But everyone knew that already. 

Now for the work out.... :)  

When I got to Curves today and grabbed my bag with my gym clothes, I realized it felt light. I looked inside and realized I forgot my tennis shoes. I thought for sure I wouldn't get to work out. They said I wasn't the first person and to just work out in my socks. Well, I took off my boots and realized I had two different socks on. Everyone got a good laugh, but I still got my workout in. What a trooper I am. 

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