Friday, May 10, 2013

Quick Update

Hello again! I feel really bad that I haven't had time to post lately. Things are finally beginning to slow down, so hopefully I will be posting every day now. That is my goal. Last week and weekend was really crazy. We were busy getting things packed up to take my daughter and granddaughter back to Illinois. We got up early Friday morning to head North and made it to my parent's house about 7 p.m. Got to go visit some of our best friends that evening and then Saturday was spent with my family. We had such a great day! It has been a long time since I got to have all of my kids in one place for a whole day. On top of that, I got to spend the whole day with my one year old granddaughter that I have only seen twice before. It was awesome!!!  We spent the whole day Sunday driving back to Louisiana.  It was nice to be home, but I really missed Jordan and Gracie already. I ended up crying myself to sleep.  Monday morning, I was completely drained and went to work half a day. My emotions are a lot better now, thank goodness.

In other news, I have been having issues with my outer two fingers on my left hand going numb all the time, double vision, headaches and dizziness.  Just got back from the doctor and he thinks I have a pinched ulnar nerve and I have a mild ear infection. He gave me a steroid shot and a script for some high-powered anti-inflammatory for the arm and told me not to do any arm machines at curves for two months. He wants me to see an opthamologist next week for my eyes though.

Oh, and I have lost another two pounds!!! Well folks, I must go for now, but will provide an update today or tomorrow. :)

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I Have Been a Terrible Blogger

Yes, once again I feel the need to apologize. I have just been super busy this last week. It has been one thing after another. I finally have a minute now, but am worn out so this is going to be quick.

I went for weigh-in today and think I may have finally broke through the plateau. I lost 1 1/2 pounds! That made me feel great!!!

If y'all can bear with me for a few more days, things are going to calm down a bit. We are taking my daughter and grand daughter back to Illinois for at least the summer. I sure am going to miss them. After we get back on Sunday, I will not be running as much. I will definitely get back to blogging.

Thanks for being patient with me. :)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Thoughts on Weigh-In Today

Yes, today is the day. I go at five for my weekly weigh-in. I have done SO GOOD this last week. I sure hope I lose something. It seems like I have been stuck for two or three weeks and I don't like that. I have worked really hard though and got back on track, so I am super hopeful. I will definitely come here and post the results afterwards. Wish me luck!!!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Sorry for Abondoning my Blog

I want to take a quick moment to apologize, yet again, for not posting since last Wednesday.  These last couple of weeks and the next couple have and will be super busy.  We have had my granddaughter and daughter with us since Christmas and they are getting ready to go back to Illinois, for at least the summer. Been trying to get things done around the house and will be getting ready for the long trip. I am really going to miss them.

I am super proud of myself this last week because I feel like I am finally back on track with things. I feel like superwoman. I worked out EVERY DAY last week, with the exception of Friday and Sunday. That is normal though. I can't make it to Curves on Friday because they are closed when I get off work and they are closed on Sunday. I have also done my kettlebells most mornings and ate right over the weekend. Weekends are always hard for me to get all of my calories for the day because we are always running. That wasn't the case this weekend. We stayed home a lot and I did tons of deep cleaning on the house. In addition, we haven't been going out for drinks like we usually do. With that being said, I am really excited for weigh-in tomorrow. I should do pretty good. I have been stuck at the same weight for three weeks. If the scale hasn't budged when I go tomorrow, I am going to ask her if I am at a plateau and what I can do to break past it.

Well, friends, I better get off here for a while and get productive. Talk to y'all soon.


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Hello Again

Yes, I know I disappeared again for a few days. I wish I could express JUST HOW BUSY we have been. By the time I sit down on the couch in the evening, I am just completely worn out. 

Things are going to definitely slow down, thank goodness. Already are, so I should be up and blogging more regularly. 

I weighed and measured yesterday, but will put off that report till this evening because I left my measurements at home. I will tell you that I didn't gain, but I didn't lose either. I hope I am not hitting a plateau. 

With things calming down this week, if I don't lose by next Tuesday, I am going to discuss the plateau issue with my coach. I did do pretty decent on my measurements though. :)


Monday, April 15, 2013

99 Questions

Don't worry...I will get to a REAL post later, but could use a little fun to perk me up this morning. I found these questions on another site and love things like this, so here goes!

1: Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
I used to sleep with them open, but since we moved into this place, the closet creeps me out. It locks from the outside and has scratches on the inside, like someone tried to claw their way out.
2: Do you take the shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotel?
I do sometimes. If they are good!
3: Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
Must be tucked in. I can't stand it when they ride up. My sister calls me the Bed Nazi because when I make a bed, it has to be PERFECT.
4: Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
Ummmm. I never did directly, but I was with someone who did. I like to take pictures of funny street signs though.
5: Do you like to use Post-It notes?
Sure do!
6: Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
I am terrible about doing this! Would be nice to save some money, but just always forget to take them with me.
7: Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
I think I would rather just be attacked by a bear. You might have a chance with ONE bear, but a swarm of bees would be coming from all directions.
8: Do you have freckles?
Yes, but not too many. I have sunspots though, especially on my cheeks.
9: Do you always smile for pictures?
I sure do. I smile all the time, even when I am down I can manage to put one on.
10: What is your biggest pet peeve?
Mean people and people who are inconsiderate of others.
11: Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
Not really, but I do count letters in words....a lot. My husband loves saying Albuquerque because it gets me going. I just keep saying the letters and counting them on my fingers over and over in my head. Yes, I am OCD.
12: Have you ever peed in the woods?
All the time! I was raised a country girl.
13: What about pooped in the woods?
Once. Like I said, I am a country girl.
14: Do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing?
When I hold a baby.
15: Do you chew your pens and pencils?
16: How many people have you slept with this week?
One. My husband.
17: What size is your bed?
18: What is your song of the week?
This week, I think it is Mama's Broken Heart by Miranda Lambert. I hated it at first, but it is growing on me. Woke up singing it this morning.

19: Is it OK for guys to wear pink?
For sure! My husband will never do it though.
20: Do you still watch cartoons?
When I watch TV with my almost 5 year old granddaughter.
21: What’s your least favorite movie?
Napoleon Dynamite....just plain stupid. Or Groundhog Day.
22: Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
Not sure. Sure wish I had that problem to worry about.
23: If you’re a girl, bra size? If you’re a guy, pants size?
Was a full B cup, but since I started losing weight, a B cup is a little loose. :( The boobs always go away first.
24: What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
Barbecue sauce.
25: What is your favorite food?
I am a nut for fruits and veggies. I also have a weakness for cheesy things.
26: What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
This is a LONG list. The ones that come immediately to mind…
  • Dirty Dancing
  • P.S. I love you
  • Freedom Writers
  • Superbad
  • Rockstar
  • Boondock Saints
  • The Shining
  • Marie Antoinette
  • Secondhand Lions
27: Last person you kissed/kissed you?
My 4 1/2 year old granddaughter, Gracie when I dropped her off at school this morning.
28: Were you ever a Boy/Girl Scout?
Yep. Brownie and Junior. I loved it!
29: Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
No way! Once I lose the weight, I do want to have boudoir photos done for my husband.
30: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
A couple of months ago, I wrote one to my husband, but he never saw it.
31: Can you change the oil on a car?
With some help.
32: Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
33: Ever ran out of gas?
Yep. Not lately though. I have become OCD about keeping gas in the car.
34: Favorite kind of sandwich?
I love a turkey sandwich on wheat with a little light mayo, swiss cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion, salt and pepper.
35: Best thing to eat for breakfast?
I love turkey bacon, a scrambled egg with some reduced fat cheese, and a slice of wheat toast. Oh and a glass of 2% white milk.
36: What is your usual bedtime?
9 p.m. Sometimes later on the weekends.
37: Are you lazy?
38: When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
I remember being Casper the Friendly Ghost one year. A skeleton. And one year my mom made me an awesome Raggedy Ann costume.
39: What is your Chinese astrological sign?
40: Are you horny?
Mom, don't read...........................................YES.
41: Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
Not at this time. I don't have much time to read right now.
42: Which are better, Legos or Lincoln Logs?
Legos! You can build so many fun things.
43: Are you stubborn?
I sure can be, but I can also be flexible.
44: Who is better…Leno or Letterman?
45: Ever watch soap operas?
I did when my kids were very little. I haven't watched them in the last 20 years though.
46: Are you afraid of heights?
Yes. Very. But I do want to jump out of a plane someday though.
47: Do you sing in the car?
Yes, I do!
48: Do you sing in the shower?
Yep. My favorite songs to sing while showering are Roxanne, by the Police and My Dingaling by Chuck Berry. lol
49: Do you dance in the car?
50: Ever used a gun?
Yep. My dad had me shooting guns as soon as I was walking, I think. I am a pretty good shot, too.
51: Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
About 3 years ago. It was a 5 generation one with me, my granddaughter, my daughter, my mom and my grandma.
52: Do you think musicals are cheesy?
No. I love them!
53: Is Christmas stressful?
It is a little. Just the getting time scheduled off from work and the traveling is the worst part. It is almost 12 hours to go see my family.
54: Ever eat a pierogi?
Not till I met my husband, but they are pretty good. I want to try to make him some homemade.
55: Favorite type of fruit pie?
56: Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
57: Do you believe in ghosts?
Yes. Have had first-hand experiences.
58: Ever have a deja-vu feeling?
Often and it freaks me out.
59: Take a vitamin daily?
Everytime I remember. In fact, this reminded me, so I am taking them right now.
60: Wear slippers?
Nope. Barefoot.
61: Wear a bath robe?
I have one, but rarely wear it because my dog ate the zipper out of it. It works in a pinch though.
62: What do you wear to bed?
Usually just a light t-shirt and pajama bottoms. Need new pj's for summer though.
63: First concert?
Probably The Plainsmen with my mom when I was little. First concert without my mom was Adam Ant.
64: Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
Usually Wal-Mart.
65: Nike or Adidas?
66: Cheetos Or Fritos?
I really don't eat chips, but if I had to choose, it would be Cheetos. Remember my cheese addiction?
67: Peanuts or sunflower seeds?
Sunflower seeds...already shelled
68: Ever hear of the group Tres Bien?
69: Ever take dance lessons?
When I was a little girl.
70: Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
No. My husband is an electrician and pretty darn good at it from what I hear.
71: Can you curl your tongue?
Don't think so.
72: Ever won a spelling bee?
I am the spelling bee queen! Yes, I am. If you ever need to know how to spell something, just ask me.
73: Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
Yes. I am moved very easily.
74: Own any record albums?
75: Own a record player?
See above.
76: Regularly burn incense?
No, it gives me a stuffy nose.
77: Ever been in love?
A couple of times. Never like I love my husband now. He is so special to me.
78: Who would you like to see in concert?
Hmmmm.....everyone. If it was country, I guess I really want to see Merle Haggard. He won't be around forever. For rock, I would love to see Halestorm. Chick rock bands RULE! Oh, and Elton John would be nice too.
79: What was the last concert you saw?
Ozfest. Disturbed, Black Label Society, System of a Down, etc. It was amaze-balls.
80: Hot tea or cold tea?
Cold decaf tea
81: Tea or coffee?
82: Sugar or snickerdoodles?
I rarely eat sweets, but snickerdoodles are good.
83: Can you swim well?
Not very well at all.
84: Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
85: Are you patient?
Not very. I am patient with people, but not waiting.
86: DJ or band, at a wedding?
87: Ever won a contest?
I can't remember.
88: Ever have plastic surgery?
No, but would consider a breast lift and augmentation after I lose the weight. My boobs are disappearing fast.
89: Which are better, black or green olives?
90: Can you knit or crochet?
Would love to learn. I do know how to sew and cross stitch.
91: Best room for a fireplace?
Family room.
92: Do you want to get married?
Already am.
93: If married, how long have you been married?
We will celebrate our 1st anniversary on May 26th.
94: Who was your HS crush?
I really can't remember.
95: Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
No. I pout in silence and act like a jerk.
96: Do you have kids?
Yes. My daughter is 24, my oldest son will be 23 in August and my youngest son will be 21 in June. I also have two granddaughters. One will be 5 in August and the other will be 1 next week.
97: Do you want kids?
No more for me.
98: What’s your favorite color?
99: Do you miss anyone right now?
I always miss my sons because they live in Illinois and my youngest granddaughter. I miss my siblings and parents as well.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I Want Earl

Earl: French Bulldog, Dog; Independence, LA

I really want this dog....but first we have to find a place where we can have a sweet little awesome dog.  Here is his sweet story.

Earl is a special boy with lots of love to give! He is beginning his quest for a new home, but is currently recovering from a recent back surgery and therapy to help him regain full function in his rear legs. 

Earl came into rescue after his loving owner could not afford his back surgery for a herniated disc which was paralyzing him. The owner also could not give Earl the special TLC he needed due to his work/life style. Earl is very spirited and doesn't let his back two legs slow him down! He may spend some time in a cart to help him be more mobile. We are hoping he will be able to walk on his own again after therapy etc. We are looking for a home that will be able/willing to give Earl all the love and attention he so deserves!! 

Spayed/Neutered • Up-to-date with routine shots • House trained • Special Needs • Primary color: Tricolor (Brown, Black & White) • Coat length: Short

Some Thoughts on Pinterest

Ok, before saying what I need to say, I want everyone to know how much I LOVE PINTEREST. I have found so many awesome things on there and lots of tasty skinny dishes to try. However, the BAD, EVIL dishes far outnumber the good ones.  It just makes me sick to think there was a point in time where I would love to try all the bad ones. It is no wonder the people in our country are so fat...and their kids too. I hope this doesn't offend anyone. These are just my thoughts. I am so glad that I have the ability now to look past all the bad foods on there without a second thought.

What do you think? Have you had issues wanting to eat all the bad stuff?

Weigh-In Report

Just dropping in quickly to give a weigh-in report from yesterday.  I wish I could say I had lost a couple of pounds, but I didn't gain or lose. What is up with that?! I have doing everything I can and eating right, but nothing came off this week. I am thinking it is because it should be my time of month. I know my boobs have been hurting like crazy. Maybe it is just water retention. 

I ran off and left my workout clothes at home this morning, so I will go home after work and do my full kettlebell workout. Man, that thing is tough!! It is also super comical for anyone that might be watching. I don't care though, the benefits will be worth it.

Well, I better get busy, but I have a couple of things on my mind to write about later. Y'all have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Weigh-In today

Today after work, I will go to Curves for weigh-in. I am so worried. Weekends have been so hard to eat right. I mean, what I put in my mouth is good, I just don't eat ENOUGH. I am so busy that I just don't think about it. I am trying to make sure to add more calories to make up for it when I do eat though.

I sure hope I go in there and find out I lost a pound or two. I will definitely post an update later. 

Have a great day, everyone!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Happy Saturday!

Good morning, everyone! It is a beautiful day down here in Louisiana and I am planning to get out and enjoy it some.  

Just finished a nice breakfast of 4 pieces of turkey bacon, one scrambled egg, and a slice of whole grain toast. Oh, and a glass of milk. Yum! Now that I have that out of the way, I am going to get cleaned up and head to the gym. I know, I know....why am I getting cleaned up first? Well, if you saw my hair right now, you would understand. 

After working out, my daughter wants to do a little shopping at Tanger Outlets and then we need to get some groceries. Hubby is working today, so I won't have pressure to be anywhere until 6 p.m. Should make for a relatively relaxed day. 

I got some batteries for my camera so I could start adding more pics on here, but I bought the wrong ones. :(  So, as soon as I get those exchanged, I will be adding some pics. I know it has to be boring just reading my words. 

Anyways, what are your fun plans for today?

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Weigh-In Report

Well, I weighed in yesterday afternoon and just as I expected, I gained a half of a pound. I am very happy that is all though. lol. I expected it because I was sick last week and didn't get in enough steps and was only able to work out two days. Also, this weekend I decided to make a nice Easter dinner for all of us. I made a spiral honey ham, loaded mashed potatoes, glazed baby carrots, green bean casserole, rolls and Cherry Delight for dessert. I didn't deprive myself of any of it, but I did eat smaller portions. We had that meal for lunch and dinner. Yummy!

This is a new week and I am feeling quite a bit better. So that means I will get my workouts in and my steps. I imagine when I weigh in next Tuesday I will have lost at least a couple of pounds. :)

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Today is Weigh-In Day

I am really worried about weigh-in today. Mainly because I made a delicious meal for Easter and I actually ate some for lunch and dinner. I may still surprise myself and be ok since I didn't eat much else on Sunday. Since I was sick last week, I only worked out two days, but I did part of the kettle bell routine instead. 

Well, I will know at 5:00. If I gained any, I will not beat myself up. I will work harder this week. Wish me luck!

New Workout Clothes

Yesterday I told you how busy my morning was, but neglected to tell you that I forgot my workout clothes at home. There was NO WAY I was not going to work out yesterday, so I went in search of some new workout clothes. Well, I am amazed to report that the capri pants are two sizes smaller than what I had been wearing! That makes me feel so good.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Busy Morning

Today has started out REALLY busy. I guess I need to mention what happened on Monday of last week. Monday was my birthday, but not a very good one. Started out at the hospital because I couldn't breathe. Found out I have bronchitis, which is what I suspected. I used to get the stuff every year. I managed not to last year, but I think it is because we were in Dumas, Texas where it was so dry. Louisiana is the exact opposite, so I will probably start getting this crud every year again.

Well, I stayed home that day, but Miss Gracie wanted to go to school. Since my parents were heading out, they decided to drop her off. That afternoon when I went to get her, we were pulling out from under the awning at the daycare, when I went into a terrible coughing fit. One thing led to another and I ended up hitting one of the steel beams in my brand new car. I cried for two hours over that one.

So that brings me to the start of my busy day today. Had to take my poor little banged up SUV to the body shop for repairs. THAT PART went smoothly. The rental car place next door was extremely busy, but I finally ended up with a Chevy Cruze to drive for the week. It feels really strange to be sitting down low now. Not sure I like it, but I will live and my car will be BEA-utiful again!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Pardon my absence

Hi, everyone. I am so sorry that I have been MIA as of late. Between being sick and working, I have just not felt like being on the computer much. I finally went to the doctor on Monday and found out that it is indeed bronchitis. I will still never understand why I have the worst lungs out of all the smokers I know.....AND I DON'T SMOKE. 

I didn't go work out on Monday, but I went in for weigh-in on Tuesday. I lost 2 1/2 pounds this week, which was a very good thing. I didn't work out that day though because I felt so exhausted. I did go yesterday and plan to go back today after work. 

I am pretty excited to tell y'all about something new I am trying. Have you ever heard of a kettlebell?  My husband brought a couple home for me and I thought, "What the heck do I do with this thing?" So I got on the internet and found some awesome workout routines using them on YouTube. Apparently they give you a total body workout when you use them the correct way. 

Since I have been sick, I haven't attempted the whole routine, but took one part of it and tried it.  Well, I am super sore on my inner thighs and hamstrings. These things are great!

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Just wanted to make a quick post to let y'all know I am still around. Been feeling really crummy, so I just haven't felt like being on. Took hubby to meet his ride to work this morning and now I can't quit coughing my head off. I did make myself go work out yesterday. Made me feel better mentally for sure. If I hadn't of gone, I would have been hard on myself for not going.

I took a picture a couple of days ago....I apologize for it being so dark. I am actually finally starting to see the weight loss in my face.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

It's Official!!!

I am bursting with excitement and anticipation!  I actually did it! This morning, I officially registered and paid the fee to participate in the Dirty Girl Mud Run. And the neat thing is that even just a month ago, I would have never even considered it. I am feeling lighter and stronger every day and I know that in seven months, I WILL BE READY. 

Now comes the fun stuff.....

  • Learning HOW to run and build stamina, which I will start this weekend.
  • Building a TEAM. If you are interested in joining along, I can send you the contact info. I already have a team name set up too, with the help of my friend Dallas. We will be the Dixie Mud Slingers. :)
  • Choosing team outfits. That will be a blast. Thinking about camo and pink!
So far that is all I have compiled, but it's a start. I would also like to take this time to brag on my dear husband. When I got the idea that I wanted to do this, I figured when I told him he would say "What are you thinking? There's no way you are ready for this." But he is super-psyched for me and I love it. Everywhere we go he tells people that his wife is going to do the Dirty Girl Mud Run. Who knows, maybe the next mud run will be one that we can do together. Now that would be fun!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Well, weigh-in yesterday wasn't anywhere near as good as last week. I actually gained a half of a pound. I kind of expected it though. We spent a little too much time out this weekend and on Sunday evening, hubby took me out to eat at the Galvez Seafood Company. Would have probably been okay if I would have stayed away from the boudin balls, but they were so delicious! 

Oh well, this is a new week and I know I have been doing my best. However, since I am officially signing up for the Dirty Girl Mud Run tomorrow, I am really going to have to be more disciplined.  I am super psyched to do this thing in October and I want to do my best.

With that being said, I am getting back on track and plan to lose a couple of pounds this week. Seems that if you gain a little weight, even more comes off that next week. Hope my theory is right.  :)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

I am Going to be a Dirty Girl!

Yes, I have decided I am going to be a very dirty girl. Ok...get your mind out of the gutter. :)  I have decided to sign up for the Dirty Girl Mud Run that will take place in New Orleans on October 19th this year. It's an all female 5k obstacle course in support of Breast Cancer Research. No, I am not a runner and I have never been an athlete. That's the beauty of this mud don't have to be either. 

I am working now to put together a team, so if you want to join me, let me know. This is going to be SOOOOO MUCH FUN!!!

For more information, click here. 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Thursday, March 14, 2013

My New Fave Protein Shake

So, I got my new protein shake mix in the mail the other day and it is AWESOME...the best I have found so far. It is made by Melaleuca and is called ProFlex20. It has 20 AMAZING grams of protein! The first time I made it, I didn't like it because I didn't follow directions. It said to mix two scoops with 8 ounces of water and I used almond milk instead. It was SO THICK that I just couldn't stand the texture. So last night, I followed directions and it is delicious! I even let my coworker try some. She has been using Aria and doesn't care for it at all. Well, she loved my melaleuca one. I sure am glad I gave it a second chance!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Weigh-in Results

I am happy to report that I got excellent results today for weigh-in. I also did good on my measurements. This week I lost 3.5 pounds!!!  Here are my measurement and weight totals since I started last month.

Bust...................3.50 in.
Waist.................1.25 in.
Abdomen.............4.00 in.
Hips...................1.00 in.
Thighs (both)........1.50 in.
Arms (both)..........1.00 in.

I have lost 2.10 percent of my body fat.

TOTAL WEIGHT LOST.....12.50 lbs.

Heading to Weigh-In

Just a quick post....

Going to weigh-in. Looks like I lost a couple of pounds when I weighed myself yesterday, so I sure hope I read the scales right.

Will report back when I am done.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Apologizing Again

Yes, I have to apologize AGAIN. I am apologizing because I haven't been posting as regular lately. Things were super busy this weekend. On Saturday, I woke up to a stupid pulled muscle in my back and it hurt so bad. Disappointed that I didn't get to work out because I was afraid I would hurt it even more. It still hurts today, but not as much, so I will be working out.  On top of that, we had company coming in from out of town. 

Yesterday, I felt exhausted ALL DAY. Just didn't even feel like getting on the computer. That's odd for me for sure.

Well, guess I will tell you what I am eating today. 

3 in. Subway BMT Melt with spinach, tomato, onion and bell peppers
Apple slices
Low-fat milk

Was busy, so I wasn't able to eat it

Healthy Choice dinner

4 stalks of celery with peanut butter

Not sure yet.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday's Food

Here are the foods I am eating today....

Subway 3-in. Breakfast BMT Melt on Flatbread with Egg Whites and loaded down with spinach, tomatoes, bell peppers and onions.  Eating it right now and it is DELICIOUS!

4 stalks of celery with natural peanut butter (I always thought I would hate this, but I LOVE IT!)

McDonalds hamburger, side salad with balsamic vinaigrette, and a 1% white milk

Greek yogurt (black cherry) and 12 almonds

To be determined, but it will be something healthy.

This is why I love the Curves Complete meal plan! So many choices and flexibility for when I need to eat on the go. Oh and the McDonalds meal TOTALLY makes me feel like I am cheating!!!

Disclaimer :  I'm not  a Curves spoke person nor am I getting any compensation. from them. Just disclosing the program I am using to help me reach my ultimate goal.  

Thursday, March 7, 2013

What I'm Eating Today

I know....this is a boring subject, but one I want to start posting every day. I think it will help me keep track of what I have eaten so I will know what I need to change if I have a gain.

I know I haven't actually eaten all this stuff yet, but I will not be eating anything else.

4 slices of turkey bacon
1 slice of whole wheat toast
1 glass of 2% milk

3/4 cup of low-fat cottage cheese
1 cup of canteloupe

Healthy Choice meal - Rosemary Chicken and Sweet Potatoes
Salad with lettuce, tomato, cucumber, bell pepper, carrots and Balsamic Vinaigrette (which has almost no calories)

Oiko's Greek yogurt (Blueberry)
12 Almonds

Skinny, but delicious sloppy joe on whole wheat bun (my hubby LOVES these)
Baked sweet potatoes with sea salt 

I love that I am eating so well and losing weight!



Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Weekly Weigh-In Report

I went for my weekly weigh-in yesterday and as I expected, I gained back the two pounds I lost the week before. I just KNEW I was going to. While that makes me sad, I am not going to beat myself up over it. I know I did the best I could. I was sick, so I didn't eat like I was supposed to so my metabolism would stay going. When I did eat, it was things that weren't real good for me because I didn't feel like cooking and ate what the hubby brought home. Poor guy isn't used to me needing to eat healthy. He just wanted to feed me. 

I am also not going to beat myself up because I learned a lesson and I am working hard to stay back on track this week. I know I am going to shed those pounds this week, hopefully more. 

As I type this, everyone around me is eating jambalaya, cake, and bread pudding. I am sitting here eating my Greek yogurt and almonds and I don't miss the other stuff. I have already worked out everyday this week and will keep going.....even if I still don't feel well. I WILL GO! I've got this!!!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Missing in Action

I want to apologize for going MIA for a few days. I was sick all weekend and just did not feel like doing anything, including posting. I still feel pretty bad today, but I am going to head to Curves for my workout. I didn't get to this weekend.

I sure hope my weigh-in is good tomorrow since I didn't follow my menu plan this weekend. I didn't overeat or anything, but I didn't eat enough. 

Hopefully working out today will make me feel better. 

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Something Old is New Again

This morning I decided to try on a pair of jeans that I haven't been able to get into in over a year. I thought there was really no way I was going to fit into them, but decided to give it a shot. I am so happy that I did because they fit and aren't even tight. I feel like I got a brand new pair of jeans!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Still Alive

I am happy to say I am still alive this morning, but not so happy to report that I still don't feel good. I got up and came to work, but brought some Alka-Seltzer Plus for severe cold, cough and flu. Going to try to hold off taking it, but I may have to. I did bring my work out clothes, so as long as I don't feel too incredibly awful, I will be working out after work. 

What are your thoughts on working out when you are sick? Good or bad?

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Down, Down, Down

My hubby has been said it was the flu he needed a day off.  Well, I thought the same thing until today. About half way through the day today, I really started feeling like shit poop. I had to meet with my coach for weigh-in today, so decided I would at least go for that and maybe not work out. 

Well, I got there and changed into my workout clothes....mainly for the weigh-in. When she weighed me, I had lost TWO POUNDS! After that, I just couldn't stomach the idea of not working out....just in case I am actually sick and can't work out tomorrow. I felt least mentally.  

I imagine that tomorrow, whether I feel like shit poop or not, I will be working out. It is called DEDICATION. I am definitely dedicated and proud of myself. Especially when my hubby tells me how much smaller my butt is. :)

Well, will make a post tomorrow. Till then....Carrie

Looking Forward to Weigh-In

There was a time when I hated stepping on the scales, but these days, I actually look forward to it.  After work today, I meet with my Curves coach and get to weigh in.  Hoping I lost a couple of pounds....which I think I did. Will post an update afterwards!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Nightly Update

After having my workout today, hubby picked me up since he was off today. He was craving something really unhealthy so everyone decided on Sonic. I was a good girl though and ordered a Jr. Hamburger, apple slices and a 1% milk. It was delicious! His foot long chili dog and chili cheese fries looked good too, but I didn't feel tempted at all. That is good since I have to meet with my coach and weigh in tomorrow evening. 

That brings up something else. I always weigh myself before I work out. If I read the scale right, it means I have lost two pounds this week. I sure hope I was right!

I'm back...again

Please excuse my absence. I had a SUPER BUSY weekend and just did not have time to post. I will get back to it today. 

Saturday was spent working out, going to pick up my ring at JC Penney, and then grocery shopping. I wasn't feeling very well that day, but I made it and was proud of myself for still working out. I made German Rouladen and fried cabbage for supper....which really isn't on my meal plan, but I wanted to do something nice for my hubby. I made sure not to overeat though.

Sunday was spent cleaning house, doing laundry and getting a little relaxation in.  Watched a really good movie called "October Baby". Made me cry, but it was really good. For supper, hubby grilled steaks...rib eye for himself and sirloin for us.  It was delicious!  It stormed all night too, so I didn't sleep well, so I hope I have the energy to make it through the day.

Going to work out after work today and then making a HEALTHY chicken enchilada casserole and Mexican rice for supper. It is going to be DELICIOUS!  If you ever want a recipe, just ask. Eventually, I hope to start adding all of my healthy recipes on here.

Well, I better get to work, but will be back later. Y'all have a great day! 

Friday, February 22, 2013

A New Milestone

I am so excited to report that I set a new milestone today. I have noticed my clothes fitting different, but this morning, I had to find a belt. I have had one for a long time but never used it because my fat did all the work keeping my pants up. Well, not anymore. My pants are getting baggy. Not only did I have to wear a belt, but the last time I wore it, I had to use it in the first hole. Today I had to use it in the second hole, but could almost make it to the third. All of this hard work and attention to what and when I eat is really paying off. That makes me ECSTATIC!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

It's Not Friday!

Well, all day long I have been thinking it is Friday. As a result, I didn't bring my workout clothes. Guess I will have to stop at Wal-mart and get some. I AM NOT missing a workout due to lack of clothing. I never can make it to Curves on Friday because of their hours and my work schedule.

Other than that, today has been pretty good.....well, except for the part where my granddaughter was clinging to me and crying when I dropped her off at the learning center this morning. She IS NOT enjoying naptime there. She loves everything else. This morning the teacher mentioned to me about Gracie having a crying fit about it yesterday and she immediately started crying and begging me to take her home. I hope she did good today.


Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Just making a short post tonight because I am tired. After a super busy day at work, I went to work out and found the machines had raised intensity by 14, which wore me out. That's a good thing though.

Came home and my daughter had made some delicious, HEALTHY southwestern chicken tacos. I love her. :)

Back to the grind tomorrow. Y'all have a great night.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Weekly Weigh-In

I am SUPER HAPPY to report that I lost another 1 1/2 pounds since last Thursday! My coach told me not to be disappointed if I didn't lose much since it hasn't been a week, so I wasn't expecting much. I was definitely pleasantly surprised!  I even ate a piece of steak this weekend, and have been eating potatoes a few nights a week. I also had a couple of small pieces of pizza. I figured I wouldn't lose anything. 

Here is a picture of me today. It isn't very good, but I have lost a total of 10 pounds and the clothes were tight on me a month ago.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

I'm Back....

Sorry I haven't posted this weekend. Been super busy. Yesterday was SUPER busy. Woke up and went to work out. It wore me out because the machines automatically increased intensity, but that is a good thing. After leaving there, I went to get my nails done. After that, I had to go grocery shopping. Then last night, we went out for the night. 

Today, I have been busy cleaning house and doing laundry. Sorry this post is so boring, but now that I am sitting, I feel pretty tired. Be back tomorrow!

Friday, February 15, 2013

It's Friday!

I love Fridays! Not just because that means it is the last day of my work week, but because each Friday I treat myself to a meal that feels sinful, but isn't. I went to McDonald's....yes, McDonald's and got a hamburger, a side salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette, and a 1% milk. I savored every morsel and it is allowed on my Curves plan. I used to order a Quarter Pounder, large fry, and a coke. I thought I might miss the cheese or the larger sandwich, but I really don't miss it at all. The meal I ate today actually seems more filling because I am satisfied longer. Strange how eating healthy works, but it sure does.

Up Already

I am awake up already. I really would rather be in bed, but I have something extra, but very exciting to accomplish this morning. An addition to my everyday routine. I get to take my granddaughter, Gracie, to her first day at her new learning center. I am super excited, but not as excited as she is. They have webcams so parents grandparents can spy all day. You can bet I will be. So will her mother. Well, anyway here is a picture of Little Miss. Will have to take one when she is all dressed later.

This was taken at the Spanish Town Mardi Gras parade last weekend in Baton Rouge. I love it!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Today's Weigh-In

I feel so incredible after today's weigh-in and work out. I will start with the weigh-in.

I lost another pound. In addition, I lost 6.5 inches total and 6.57 pounds of body fat. I am kicking ass! My husband keeps telling me how great I look and how skinny I look. I LOVE HIM!!! But everyone knew that already. 

Now for the work out.... :)  

When I got to Curves today and grabbed my bag with my gym clothes, I realized it felt light. I looked inside and realized I forgot my tennis shoes. I thought for sure I wouldn't get to work out. They said I wasn't the first person and to just work out in my socks. Well, I took off my boots and realized I had two different socks on. Everyone got a good laugh, but I still got my workout in. What a trooper I am. 

Setting Some Goals

I decided it is finally time to put my goals in writing. Here is what I would like to happen.

Mini goal---------------------185
Short term goal-------------170
Goal I can live with--------150
Goal that would make me happy------140
My dream weight-----------130

Can't wait to make it happen!!! 

Today is the Day!

Today is the day I get weighed AND measured. I am pretty excited, but want to remind myself of all the other things I have done this month. In the past 30 days I have:
  • I have taken over 150,000 step (big deal since I used to spend a whole day on couch)
  • I have worked out every day, except for Fridays (hours don't work for my schedule) and Sundays (Curves is closed)
  • I have lost 7.5 pounds (this doesn't include any that I have lost since weigh-in last Tuesday)
  • I have eaten healthy every day with the exception of Saturday for the Mardi Gras parade and our friend's birthday party. But I didn't overdo it.
  • I have drained my 32 ounce water bottle at least 3 times a day
  • I have cut out all sodas and caffeine (with the exception of maybe one Diet Dr. Pepper a week)
  • I have made every effort to get extra steps in by parking farther away from entrances, getting up to talk to coworkers instead of using the phone, walking to Subway when I choose to eat there, etc. 
  • I have quit looking in the mirror and not liking what I see there. What I see now is a woman that is doing everything she can to get in shape and be healthy.
  •  No matter what happens today, I will be pretty darn happy with myself. I am well on my way to taking control of my body. I don't think I have ever felt so proud of myself.

Face Pic

Not the greatest picture, but I am starting to see my weight loss in my face. :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

One Month

Well, tomorrow marks a month since I started my journey into weight loss and a healthier life. It also marks the day that I get weighed AND measured. I never thought I would be excited, but I really, truly am. Other people have been telling me they notice a difference, but I couldn't see it. The last few days though, I have noticed my clothes fitting different. Go ahead and laugh, but my butt actually fits in the middle of the car seat now instead of on top of the edges. That makes me happy!!! I am definitely on my way. Wooooohoooooo!!!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Cooking Light is Good Cooking

I made the most awesome dinner tonight and everyone LOVED it. We had steak with mushrooms and onions, roasted asparagus, and stuffed baby reds. I know....sounds sinful. It truly wasn't though. I am getting good at this!


After a very busy weekend, I feel exhausted today. It didn't help that I woke up to an asthma attack about 1 a.m. I think it was due to the humidity. I still don't feel very well this morning, but I ate a good breakfast, packed my healthy lunch and snacks for the day, and made sure to pack my workout clothes and shoes for after work. Maybe a good work out will help.

Sunday, February 10, 2013


I had trouble staying on track yesterday because of going to the Spanish Town parade, being on the run all day, and going to hang out with friends last night. I don't think I went over my calorie limit for the day because I limited myself, but I didn't like the feeling of not being on schedule or the fact that I was eating not so healthy food. I was proud of myself for not drinking though, since everyone else was. I knew that would put me over the limit for the day, for sure. 

On the other hand, I got all of my steps and plus some. I also got to make memories with my husband, daughter and grand daughter that will last a lifetime and got to spend time with great friends. I just need to realize that there will be some days where I can't control  everything and make healthy choices. 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

No Time to Slow Down

Busy day ahead again. Harley is off this weekend though. I love that. Going to work out this morning, then I think we are heading over for the Mardi Gras Spanishtown parade. After that I am getting my nails done, going grocery shopping and then we are going to hang out with some of our friends tonight. No time for rest, but I bet I will get all of my steps in, plus some.

Friday, February 8, 2013

My New Love

Oh my goodness! I have fallen in love with apple slices with peanut butter on them. BEST SNACK EVER!!! I have put off choosing this snack because I have to eat a half of a banana (which I don't really care for) and 12 almonds with one apple sliced up with 2 TBSP of peanut butter on it. 

Well, I finally decided to buy some bananas and put on my big girl panties because I know bananas are really good for you. 

I ate the banana first to get it out of the way. Then I moved on to the apple slices with peanut butter and they are AMAZING! I am definitely going to choke down a banana to have this snack more often. The apples came with a little tub of caramel, but who needs that?! 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Skinny Tastes

I have been struggling with finding tasty recipes to feed my whole family so I don't have two make two separate meals. I have finally hit the mother lode on tasty, HEALTHY recipes. So far, the ones I have made, they all love. 

You can look for yourself HERE

I highly recommend it. Even if you aren't trying to lose weight, it is a great idea to eat healthy. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Weigh-in Report

Went for my weigh-in after work today and I have lost another pound! I am super excited. I need to get batteries in my camera so I can get a picture posted of myself. People are starting to tell me they can tell I have lost weight. I love it!!!

OOPS...Dinner (continued)

I made another great, healthy meal tonight and it was AMAZING! Everyone in my house loved it even though it is healthy. It was Korean Stir Fry with cellophane noodles and green the ones you get at Chinese restaurants. I am pretty proud of myself. If you want the recipes, let me know. I will be glad to share.

Awesome dinner tonight!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Love this!


I just returned from setting up and completing my Curves Smart workout. It is going to be awesome. It will increase the strength of the machines after three successful workouts, so that I am having to work harder. I like that! I really think it will help so much.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Been super busy!

Sorry I have been MIA for a couple of days. Just been super busy and haven't had much time to be on the computer. Even though it is super bowl Sunday, I am maintaining my healthy diet and not missing any of the bad stuff. I made healthy Shrimp Scampi....yes, I said it...healthy. Also made mashed cauliflower. Both were delicious. Will post the recipes tomorrow. Well folks, hate to cut it short, but the game is back on. Will post more tomorrow. :)